Matcha    SADOGU   CHA-YU

The thing is used for the ceremony of tea.
This things is a high level and high quality.
Misonotana - Stands Table
ENY-1  Assembly type
Kama (釜)

OKIRO KAMA (Iron pot) ENY-3
OKIRO ENY-4 (An electro-thermal apparatus)
ROKAMA ENY-5 wooden box ROKAMAENY-6 wooden box

「Shikunshi」 (水指)  「Kumonishiki」「(水指)  「Hanamoyo」「(水指)  
ENY-10 wooden box ENY-11 wooden box ENY-12 wooden box

ENY-13 \40,000 ENY-14 \35,000 ENY-15 \11,500
 ENY-16 \10,000 12/H8cm ENY-17  \8500 ENY-.18 \10,000 12/H9cm  
ENY-19 \12,000 12/H8cm   ENY-20 \18,000 12.5/H17.5cm  ENY-21 \9,000 13/H7cm